Stop Letting Weight Stigma Hold You Back

Body Shape, Beyond Weight

A woman’s body shape—not only the amount of fat—is what drives stigma associated with overweight and obesity.

We’re all used to seeing successful people, mostly women, paired with low or average weights. This is what the media shows us, what society promotes as reality, and what we come to believe. 

This societal devaluation is a real and legitimate experience for people across different countries, languages and cultures.A persistent American bias Among US adults, weight stigma is a common experience, with as many as 40 reporting past experiences of weight-based teasing, unfair treatment and discrimination.

Losing weight is possible, but it may actually be impossible for everyone to achieve “normal weight.” There are tremendous benefits associated with losing 5 to 10% of our bodyweight if we are obese or overweight. But it’s not realistic for everyone to expect to achieve their medically prescribed ideal weight.

That’s the reason cutting calories through dietary changes is generally more effective for weight loss. But doing both — cutting calories through diet and burning calories through exercise — can help give you the weightloss edge.

So many popular diets are trending nowadays like…ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, low carb diet and so on.

I think it’s not a good idea to always be on a diet or counting calories. Judging people by their appearance drives me crazy and saddens me.

It is unimaginable for me to survive with these tortorous diets. Trying my best to eat every alternate day but ending up ‘stuffing’ myself to avoid this feeling of being deprived. Obsessing over food, my body, and the weight on my scale cannot be the best way to lead a healthy life. 

And that is when I realised something. If we truly want happiness, we must ask ourselves, “what truly makes me happy?” It is no crime to do what you love. There is no guilt in enjoying this world after having achieved the best in our personal and professional lives.  

Now is the time to take proper and good care of ourselves as everything else in our lives is already been taken care of. 

And so, I refuse to be a woman with eating problems and always battling with my weight and food problems by starving myself. The days of struggle when I could not afford to make time for the gym due to professional and family responsibilities are gone. 

In fact, I hate it now  (my behaviour…not myself).  I want to live my life free from this mindset as I was living in my childhood years. We were always free to eat whatever we wanted and never had a second thought about it. 

These thoughts brought back many small yet enjoyable memories After much thought, I decided that it was time to live like it was 1980’s. I would become whole and healthy and for that I will do whatever is needed. Gym and fitness routines and strong motivation will help me win.

A life free of diet plans, honouring my natural appetite , keeping my head free for more future plans beyond my next meals.That will surely nurture both my soul and body better.

We can not live our whole lives to impress everyone. Feeling comfortable with what we are and who we are is the most important to lead a happy and healthy life. We have to do things which are perfectly in alignment with our true nature. We will always fail trying to be somebody we are not.

And so I decided it is time to “be my true self , and that my loved ones will love me for who I am.”😊😊

Give a thought to it !!

None of the blogs or opinions expressed within are meant as advice to you or anybody else on any matter, including but not limited to, personal finance, health, or other matters of life. If you need advice, speak to a professional!

Published by Anita Vij

A caring mother of 2. A loving wife. An aspiring individual who wishes to share her life-long learnings with the rest of the world.

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