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The Quirky Habits of Couples #4

Bedtime Battles A Comedic Exploration of Blanket Wars and Pillow Fights Ah, bedtime – that blissful oasis of rest and rejuvenation, where dreams take flight and sleep reigns supreme. But for many couples, the journey to dreamland is anything but peaceful, as they find themselves embroiled in a nightly struggle for blanket supremacy and pillow…

Heartstrings interview

Hi Friends, I am happy to share my interview video with all of you. Please watch it and share your views with me. If you need counseling on any of the topics, please feel free to message me on WordPress, LinkedIn and Face book. With love and regards Anita Vij

The Quirky Habits of Couples #3

                 The Mystery of the Missing Socks  A Hilarious Journey Through Laundry Land In the annals of domesticity, few phenomena rival the perplexing puzzle of the missing socks. Yes, you know the one – that bewildering phenomenon where perfectly matched pairs enter the laundry basket, only to emerge as solo acts, leaving their partners lost in…


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