Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #6

Remote Control Wars

 A Hilarious Battle for TV Dominance

In the cozy realm of coupledom, few battles are as fiercely contested as the legendary Remote Control Wars. Yes, you heard it right – that innocuous little device holds within it the power to ignite epic showdowns, strategic maneuvers, and hilarious compromises. Join me as we embark on a side-splitting journey through the chaos of “Remote Control Wars”!

The Quest for Dominance

As our intrepid couple, let’s call them Rahul and Maya, settle onto the couch for a cozy evening of TV, they reach for the coveted remote control with a gleam in their eyes and determination in their hearts. But alas, as their fingers close around the prized device, a silent battle of wills ensues – who will emerge victorious in the quest for TV dominance?

Strategic Maneuvers

With each flick of the remote, Rahul and Maya engage in a high-stakes game of channel surfing, each determined to assert their authority over the TV screen. Sports versus reality TV, news versus sitcoms – the choices are endless, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. With strategic maneuvers and tactical button presses, they jockey for position, each refusing to relinquish control without a fight.

The Art of Compromise

But amidst the chaos of battle, a glimmer of hope emerges – the possibility of compromise. With a hearty dose of humor and a willingness to see things from each other’s perspective, Rahul and Maya embark on a journey of mutual understanding. From alternating control of the remote to embracing the beauty of shared viewing experiences, they discover that true victory lies not in control, but in the laughter and camaraderie of the shared TV screen.

The Hilarious Hijinks of TV Domination

As Rahul and Maya’s epic battle rages on, they encounter a series of hilarious hijinks and unexpected twists. Accidental button presses send them careening through a maze of obscure channels, while strategic distractions result in missed plot twists and hilarious misunderstandings. But through it all, their laughter rings out loud and clear, a testament to the joy of friendly competition and shared TV adventures.

Harmony on the Homefront

And so, as the final credits roll and the TV screen fades to black, Rahul and Maya emerge victorious – not because they’ve won the battle for remote control supremacy, but because they’ve discovered the true meaning of harmony on the homefront. With laughter in their hearts and a shared love of TV in their souls, they toast to the joy of “Remote Control Wars” and the endless possibilities of shared viewing adventures.😊😇


A caring mother of 2. A loving wife. An aspiring individual who wishes to share her life-long learnings with the rest of the world.

25 thoughts on “The Quirky Habits of Couples #6

  1. This was hilarious and relatable I’m forever fighting for the remote with 3 of us in the house and yeah it is like that. I’m the only one awake right now so the remote is mine!great piece of writing thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I am so glad that you can relate to this. Actually this happens in every household. When to up the volume or when to lower it, what to watch…remote gives so much power to the one has the remote.😃 Anyways ultimately you got the control in your hands.😇

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A Key to A Successful Marriage After ReTirement At Least

    is Separation of Powers and Space When it Comes

    to Entertainment And Basically Breathing too hehe

    my Wife Gets the 25 Foot By 23 Foot Great Room

    That Includes An Open Space Kitchen and

    Big Screen TV

    i Get this 27.1 Inch
    iMac Screen in the
    Bedroom Just A Short
    Trip to the Bed at Night
    After Writing Around 3,333 Daily
    Words of EPiC Free Verse Poetry
    And Public Dancing Around 150 Miles
    A Month While She shops of Course Yes

    i Also Have A Medium Sized Big Screen
    TV in the Bedroom Yet it Rarely comes on
    Perhaps Just To check Who Is Blowing Up
    up Who Or Who is Shooting Up the Towns

    True When my Wife ‘Feeds Me God Yes She
    Even Still Needs Me’ as the Beatles Suggested

    That Might Happen When i Turn 64 on June 6th

    Yes We Share The Comical Truly More Foolish that
    Fiction Stories on the News Together Like Grown
    Women Politicians Fighting over Fake Eye Lashes

    ‘End of the Roman
    Empire Again’ oh No

    Yet Wait A Few Decades

    Perhaps the Decadence
    Will Continue A Bit Longer

    While We Enjoy Continuing
    Financial Freedom Separate

    Spaces and Separate Ways of

    Entertainment Indeed Keeping the
    Peace And Missing Someone Enough
    to Enjoy a Hug at the End of the Day

    LoVE iN Peace No Matter What IT
    Takes Dear Anita God Yes Now Yes!

    What More Could a Couple Wish for
    At Least These Days in ‘Rome’ HAha..:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree totally with every word of you. It exactly is the story of every couple nowadays. Enjoying separate spaces is one of them. Actually it retains the live and a sense of freedom in the couple. Do you have kids? But yes, kids are a strong glue in relationships of a couple. Enjoy your life and keep me updated😀😀

      Liked by 2 people

      1. SMiLes Dear Anita Indeed Children Will Be the Glue
        of Relationships and Even Pets too True We’ve Had
        A Few Cats in the Home Who Have Surely Humbly

        And Masterfully
        Succeeded in
        This Gift for Us

        Back in 1997 We Had
        A Child Who Lived 51
        Days Only Through Pain
        And Suffering at a Children’s

        Hospital Then While There are many
        Funny Muses about relationships There

        are of Course Many Serious Obstacles to Overcome

        too and Some of Which are Rarely Spoken about to Others too

        Yet What’s Most
        Important is


        For the Two Oh Dear

        Lord All the Waves in a Marriage
        High and Low and Places That

        Demons are Even Afraid to Tread
        in i’ve Shared a bit about the Part
        of Life in the Dead Zone of Hell for
        66 Months When i Was the Living Dead Then

        With my Wife Both Standing By me and Banging Her Head

        Against the
        Wall to Survive

        That Storm of Life

        Yet Again so Many Other
        Sea Stories About Marriage

        That Are Often Not Told at All

        It’s The DarK and LiGHT That Makes The LiFE ReaL

        For If it Was All Perfect We’d Be Dead Machines That’s All…

        Or Perhaps
        A Statue
        Forever Now at
        the Bottom of An Ocean…

        True Been THere Done that Too…

        Change The Greatest Curse and Gift..:)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hmmmmm…feeling very emotional after reading your reply. I can understand everything.I must say you can express your feelings very well. This life is like this for all of us. Always ups and downs, sorrows followed by happiness. This life is a journey of souls and all souls have to go have to suffer what comes in their way as karma. Thank you so much for sharing with me.😊🙏🏻

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Very Welcome Dear
        Anita Growing Up in
        my Culture Expressing
        Emotions For Males Considered


        As it is in Many
        Toxic Patriarchies
        That Ready Boys
        To Fight And Die
        As Pawns Sadly
        Often in Unwarranted
        Wars Of Course Humans
        Nurtured For Emotional
        Intelligence are Averse to
        Harming Others Even The

        Of Nature

        However As Far
        As Strength And
        Cognitive Executive
        Functioning in Even
        The Ability to Focus
        And Pay Attention

        Yes Even
        And Health
        With Mental Wellbeing

        That Other Way

        Of Life only Destroys

        Human Potentials
        Including Cooperation
        Except For Harming Others


        Of Nature

        In Every Way

        At Core Emotional
        And Physical Intelligences

        Are Most Important

        Intelligences For True

        Human Success Of

        All Yet Increasingly

        It is Left Out
        Of Materially
        Reducing Cultures

        As Human Becomes
        More Tool And Less


        i For one Will
        Be no part of
        That Human Ignorance

        Now Responsible For
        Most Harming Raping
        Maiming Killing Each Other

        And The Rest of
        Nature A Real
        Human Global
        Pandemic And
        Zombie Apocalypse

        Again For Real

        We Measure And
        Teach Standard IQ
        Yet Destroy True Heroes

        Our Humanity

        Hopefully We Will
        Turn “The Titanic” Around

        With SMiles Meanwhile
        After Seeking and Finding
        Heaven On Earth Within For

        Almost 11 Years For Real

        Now i’m Staying


        Others Always
        Welcome To Visit ☺️🙏🙌

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Everything you said is true. Boys are brought up to fight and show that they are strong. They can’t show that they are weak emotionally. Now this perception is getting changed a lil. Boys who cry are not considered weak now, they look cute to girls.😊 In my view there is no harm if boys are emotional and feel for their female counterparts. I appreciate you being sensitive towards everyone and everything. I already said in my interview that men are hard from outside but they can melt if you give them love and care.😊❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Aww… How Kind…
        What A Wonderful

        Invitation to

        Participate Dear
        Anita Hehe i’ll
        Probably Respond

        To All Your Blog Posts…

        Once i Get Started

        i Rarely

        SMiles or to

        The ChaGrins
        Of Some Others HAha☺️❤️🙌

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello – – I don’t know if you’re interested, but I have a new fiction novel coming out June 14, “Meghan Tilley” via Barnes & Noble.

    Liked by 1 person

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