Posted in My Poems

तुम्हें ही लिख डालूं /Will write you

जी करता है आज तुम्हें ही लिख डालूं,

जो तुमने कहा उसी को शब्दों में ढालूं!

                 याद करूं उन सब बातों को,

                 जो कहीं तुमने कभी दिल से!!

आज वही सब मैं दिल से लिख डालूं,

शब्द तुम्हारे थे जज़्बात मेरे हैं!

                   तुम्हें तो मेरी याद कभी आती नहीं,

                   मैं ही तुम्हें ये तोहफा दे डालूं!!


I feel like writing to you today,

Let me put into words what you said!

                  Let me remember all those things,

                  Whatever you ever said from your heart!!

Today I will write all that from my heart,

The words were yours, the feelings are mine!

                    You never remember me,

                     Let me give you this gift!!


A caring mother of 2. A loving wife. An aspiring individual who wishes to share her life-long learnings with the rest of the world.

19 thoughts on “तुम्हें ही लिख डालूं /Will write you

    1. Thank you so much Cazzy. I am so glad to hear from you after so many days. How is your book doing? Hope sales are good. After a long time today I wrote this poem. It makes me happy to know that you liked it. I write every poem from my heart and with true feelings.😊❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Books doing ok I’ve been really busy mom broke her knee so is pretty much immobile so I’m running around more seems every time I pick up my tablet to write she needs something else 😔 so not getting much “work” done just the grammar stuff. Thank you for asking I appreciate it.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Shanky. I am happy that you liked it.😊❤️ After a long time I wrote this hindi poem today. My hindi book of poetry will be published soon. Hope you have read a few of them when I blogged them here. What are you upto now? Writing something? Pls share.


  1. Lovely Poem Dear Anita And It’s True Our Feelings Belong to Us

    The Words Others Bring May Lift Us Up or Down Yet Still Our

    Response in Feelings and Senses of Emotions are

    Orchestrated By Us Deep Within as A Practice

    of Poetry

    of HeART

    Beyond Words
    As Concrete Symbols
    What Gives Life As Poetry Will..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bonjour
    Ce matin en me levant, je pensais à toi que je n’ai pas écris depuis moment
    Alors je t’envoie ce petit mot sympa afin de reprendre contact et d’avoir de tes nouvelles que j’espère bonnes
    N’hésite pas à me faire un petit coucou
    Ton ami du net qui ne t’oublie pas malgré le temps qui passe
    Profites-tu de ces journées magnifiques, pour faire une sieste ,une balade soit à la campagne ou bien au bord de l’eau, ou bien rester sagement à l’ombre en attendant la fraicheur du soir
    Bise amicale Bernard

    Liked by 2 people

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