Posted in My Poems

What if it happens?

What if I could erase the bad memories of my past,

And renew every moment with perfection at last?

What if I could turn back the hands of time,

And make every sorrow, every pain, sublime?

What if I could forget every hurt and every tear,

And start anew with a heart full of cheer?

What if I could rewrite every story, every page,

And create a world without anger, without rage?

 Would erasing the bad memories make me complete,

Or would it rob me of the lessons I need to meet?

Would it rob me of the strength that comes from strife,

And the resilience that comes from navigating life?

 In the pain and the sorrow, there is a beauty too,

A chance to learn, to grow, to be anew,

To find the courage to face every challenge,

And the wisdom to embrace every change.

So let us not erase the bad memories of our past,

Instead, let us learn from them and make them last,

Let us turn every sorrow, every pain, into gold,

And find the beauty in every story that we hold.

In the end, it is not the perfection we seek,

But the imperfection that makes us unique,

And the journey that we take, with its highs and lows,

That shapes us, teaches us, and forever glows.


A caring mother of 2. A loving wife. An aspiring individual who wishes to share her life-long learnings with the rest of the world.

16 thoughts on “What if it happens?

    1. Hi Cazzy. I am always here but as you know was busy with my recently published book. Had an interview for you tube which will be live in a cpl of days. Moreover my hindi and english poetry books are also in the process of getting published. So busy in all this. Now I will try to post at least twice a week so that I can make my presence felt.😊😊

      Liked by 1 person

  1. That’s a beautifully expressed reflection on the value of our life experiences, both the good and the challenging. Embracing the lessons and growth that come from adversity can indeed make us stronger and more resilient. Your words remind us that it’s the imperfections and the journey itself that make us who we are.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Shanky, good to see u after so long. Yes you are right. Our imperfections and the turbulances we face in life make us what we are today. If we didn’t face those challenges how could we learn life lessons. This is journey of life and we are here on this planet to learn new lessons not to just enjoy. ☺️🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  2. SMiLes Dear Anita Even Science
    Shows The Oldest Generation
    Has The Greatest Measure

    of Well Being in

    Every Element

    of Living Measured

    Surely All the Challenges

    All the Dark All the Blood

    Sweat And Tears Overcome

    Create A Cross of The Will of Stars

    Above to Shine

    And The Beauty

    Of Flowers Below

    To Exist As Roses With Thorns

    What A Gift All the Challenges Life Springs

    Out of What is Fertilized of Souls FroZen Before

    Night Brings Day As Dark Brings Greater LiGHT…

    Thank You Wonderful FLoWinG iNSPiRinG Poem..:)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I love this and I don’t know why while reading I thought of my hardwood floors. I’m starting to see chips and specks in them but they are still just as beautiful or more! Every scare has a story and who are we to do away with the stories? Thanks for this. I will be sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much San. I am glad that you liked this poem. Life is…how we perceive it. If we want to experience it we have to go through hurdles and struggles. In the end we will satisfied that yess, we have done it.

      Liked by 1 person

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